This sliding element is crucial in boss fights to avoid some of their more brutal attacks and its makes you feel like a badass cause it looks cool and is a great way to dodge an otherwise unavoidable attack. You are invulnerable while sliding and you do slight damage if you slide into enemies. You can slide a la Mega Man 3 which can be used to clear gaps without bumping your head and fall into a pit. Simple yet fun since Valis III manages to do something different with little fun mechanics on its own. You jump, you slice with your swords, try to avoid pits and enemies and then there is a boss at the end. The setting is cool and character design, sprites and cutscenes look really cool but its not anything that will have you take to the streets demanding more lore for the world of Valis. In the first Valis game, Yuko is just your normal schoolgirl and you could argue that you should play this game first in order to experience the story in chronological order but to be honest the story isn’t all that interesting. Valis: The legend of a Fantasm Soldier is a remake of the 1st Valis from 1994 and it is the 1st game in the Valis chronological order.

You can even see on the Japanese cover that she has matured. Even without the sword of Valis, she takes on some demon bastards from the demon world who are trying to invade the human world and the god world. A weapon of extreme power that turns even schoolgirls into badasses.Īfter her tribulations in Valis 1 & 2, Yuko is already an experienced, certified badass. The story of Valis III revolves around a Japanese girl named Yuko who comes in touch with demons, gods and other otherworldy crap that usually she cannot defeat without using the sword of Valis. I don’t know why but in the US they were really scared of keeping the anime style Japanese stuff on the covers. Valis II and III got released in the US but the other two were unfortunately Japan only.

That being said, I might end up not reviewing the others in the same amount detail as Valis III but this review should give you an impression on what you are expecting if you get into the Valis series. Right off the bat the order in which I like the games goes like this: 3>4>1>2. The games are 4 in total and some released on other system, but I would always recommend the Turbografx/PC Engine version of these games. Being a huge Castlevania/Mega Man fan it was very interesting to see a female, anime styled protagonist jumping around and slashing foes in a skimpy suit of armor.
#Turbografx 16 cd bios for snesc Pc#
Ever since i started my PC Engine adventure in May last year the Valis series had intrigued me.